The Seasons Of Creativity

Creativity is a complex and multifaceted process that tends to come in waves. In the same way that the seasons change the landscape and nature of the world around us, we may experience similar shifts in our own creative power and capacity. Is this true for you? It is for me.

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I had a session with my counsellor recently where I was lamenting my lack of writing over the last several months. She reflected an incredibly supportive viewpoint back to me, which involved the idea of ‘seasons of creativity.’ We talked about how acceptance of the ebbs and flows of creative energy allows us grace when motivation is low, and leaves us better prepared to face creative challenges when they arise. Given that I am transitioning from a quite dormant creative winter to the awakening energy of the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, I would love to share more of my thoughts on this concept.

Winter: Contemplation and Integration

While my writing practice may have suffered this winter, I engaged in deep rest, channeled energy into another dream of mine (see this post) and made space for a lot of healing leisure. The winter season may be viewed as a time of low productivity and creative output; in exchange, it provides the gift of time for deep reflection, assimilation and idea generation. I often find that during the slow, dark days of winter I spend more time daydreaming and drafting, allowing future goals and desires to spark in my mind without the added pressure of trying to materialize them quite yet. It can also be a time for taking stock of where I am at with certain projects and determining if they still resonate. With fewer activities to distract me and less pressure to perform during these months, thereโ€™s more space for my imagination to explore the depths of my creativity. It’s an important time for recharging, reevaluating goals and priorities, and preparing for future cycles of creative work.

Photo by Alissa Nabiullina on

Spring: Renewal and Growth

With the arrival of the first day of spring, I am anticipating a revival of my creative energy stores and hope to plant some new seeds that I can nourish over the coming months. Energetically, spring is known as a time of year that vitalizes our minds and bodies which results in new ideas and inspirations; it brings about a sense of freshness. While I am still experiencing a state of integration from my recent educational pursuits, I have hope that new projects will begin to bud as the days become longer and brighter. I will soon be spending more time outdoors hiking, beginning to garden and soaking up sunshine, which all help to nourish my inner musings from the winter months, allowing them to blossom and take shape.

Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on

Summer: Abundance and Relaxation

As the summer months progress, I usually find myself with more time and energy for creative projects; the longer days and warmer weather provide me with a deep sense of freedom and expansiveness. I often take my journal to a quiet spot near the ocean and write for languorous hours, or I will set up a blanket in my backyard and paint in the grass for the pure joy of it. Last summer was a time of creative invigoration and momentum for me, as I had signed up for a writing course online (see this post); I find this season to be the perfect time to dream up new projects, challenge myself to try something new and let my creative desires run wild and free.

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Autumn: Transition and Refinement

Autumn tends to be a highly creatively inspired season for me- this may be due to my October birthday and deep reverence of fall’s beauty (see this post), both of which leave me feeling invigorated and appreciative of my journey on this earth. As the temperatures cool gently down and the hours of daylight wane, this is a lovely time of year to refine any projects I have on the go and reflect on my creative offerings. The crisp energy of autumn is helpful in generating new ideas and perspectives; the sense of impending change can also be a motivator for me to set up supportive routines that allow me to maintain a connection with my writing practice.

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These seasonal reflections may not hold true for every creative soul, but I do find that understanding and honoring these varying energies can be helpful in maintaining a healthy and sustainable creative practice over time. For me, it provides comfort and solace during times of struggle (particularly writer’s block), knowing that inspiration can manifest in different ways depending on the time of year. I am never truly stagnant, but am perhaps experiencing an extension of a creative season for a reason unknown to me; a higher purpose. Ultimately, what matters is that my routine throughout the year supports my own unique creative process.

Do these seasons of creativity resonate with you? What season of the year do you find most conducive to your personal creative projects? I would love to know in the comments below!

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  1. I definitely feel what you’re saying here and I do often find nowadays that I stagnate more in the winter months – but that just might be a coincidence. I’m hoping like you to soon be able to have some more creative projects on the go…

    I hope so see more writing from you ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Hi, Simon- thank you and I am glad you can relate! What are some of the other creative projects you are hoping to get off the ground this season? Hoping more of your photography will be included ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  2. Interesting reading, Laura. I also find myself less creatively active during the wintertime. These days my writing routine as well as my motivation to be creative and productive have picked up again after several weeks of lethargy when I found writing to be a struggle. I feel the joy of writing and working on my blog anew. I too hope to see more of your writing.


    • I appreciate you sharing your experience with this, Leighton. I definitely have to be gentle with myself during the winter months and allow myself space to just ‘be;’ creative energy usually comes back naturally, if given time. I am happy to know that your writing has picked up again and am excited to read the end of your Thailand series!

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  3. I find creativity and productivity in general comes in waves for me too. I like how youโ€™ve positioned it in terms of the seasons. Itโ€™s tough to be โ€œonโ€ all the time and over the years Iโ€™ve learned to cherish the down time as well to help recharge and reflect. It also makes me appreciate those creative bursts when they do come and try to ride them out for as long as I can.


    • I’m so glad you liked this post and thank you for sharing your thoughts! I also find it impossible to be ‘on’ all the time or even half the time for that matter, and I tend to crash without adequate rest for both body and mind- my downtime is sacred to me. I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Spring energy wherever in the world you are right now!๐ŸŒธ

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  4. Very true what you’ve explored here & how our creative moods shift with the changing seasons. Hope that Spring helps reenergise that writing muse! ๐Ÿ™‚


    • I always value your comments, Tom- thank you! I must admit that I am still having trouble fully shaking the winter torpor- the weather on Vancouver Island has still been quite chilly, rainy and cold which isn’t helping! That being said, I am slowly feeling the infusion of some spring energy ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒธ

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